Does Your Pet Run Need Artificial Grass?

Artificial turf makes an excellent area for pets to enjoy the outdoors. It gives them a clean, safe, sturdy space to run, play, and do their business. It's one of the best investments a pet owner can make is a synthetic grass pet run area to make sure that it's not only a fabulous place for their pet to enjoy, but will also always look fantastic. 


Artificial grass will handle play

Dogs, especially big ones, can be rough on turf. But, if you ask an animal lover if they'd rather have a natural grass lawn or their beloved pet, it becomes quickly apparent that the pet is their priority. Thankfully, artificial turf is sturdy enough to handle even a big dog when they turn playful. A dog with an artificial grass pet run will stay cleaner, too. The lawn won't have bare spots, their paws will stay mud-free, and they won't become filthy as the result of rolling in the dirt. 

Pets are safer, too, since the chemicals that make turf green, lush, and insect-free can be unsafe for pets. No one wants to deal with an animal that has inadvertently become wet as the result of a run-in with irrigation, either. That problem is off the table because artificial grass doesn't need watering.

It drains well

In addition to having excellent drainage, which is a must for hygiene purposes in a dog run. But, beyond that, a homeowner no longer has to deal with the unsightly yellow spots a pet's waste can create. Artificial grass won't fade, stain, or discolor as a result of pet waste. The drainage makes it easy to clean, too.

It doesn't cause allergies

Pets can develop the habit of scratching and biting themselves. After switching their pet food, shampoo, and testing and treating them for fleas other insects, the pet owner may be surprised to learn that their beloved animal is allergic to grass! 

Grass affects a pet differently than it does a human. Humans are more likely to develop eye and respiratory reactions to exposure. Pets are more likely to have a dermal reaction, which can be so violent the pet can scratch itself raw. Limiting an animal's exposure to grass with an artificial turf pet run is a long term solution to a pet's grass allergies.

We love our pets and want them to have a beautiful life. We also love our homes and want them to look their best. By creating a pet run made from artificial lawn, we can have both. If an artificial turf pet run is something you're considering, let's talk about the available options. It's an investment in your home and your pet.

Turfscapes of Arizona is a Phoenix-based family-owned business specializing in the installation of artificial lawns, hardscaping, and rock spreading. Find out how artificial turf can improve your home or business landscaping. Call 602-884-8760 today!